People continuing live longer, which only increases the need for long-term care planning. Now is the time to plan for how you will pay for necessities like housing or medical care later in life. The sooner you consider your options, the more likely you are to be prepared when the time comes.

You do not have to tackle long-term care planning in Upper Marlboro alone. A dedicated estate planning attorney could assist you with this process by answering your questions and providing appropriate options.

Who Should Think About Long-Term Care?

It is never too early to start thinking about long-term care, both individually and on behalf of aging parents. A plan can ensure future needs are met while providing peace of mind.

While this exercise is a good idea for everyone, certain factors make it especially important to consider the future. The first of these, age, is directly linked to a person’s risk of deteriorating health. For this reason, it is a good idea to start reviewing options no later than age 55. The longer a person waits, the more likely they are to find they have not saved enough money.

A person’s health is also an important factor to consider. Someone living with a disabling injury or chronic illness is more likely to need care sooner rather than later.

What Constitutes Long-Term Care

Long-term care is a collection of services a person needs help with as they age. These matters often require planning years in advance to ensure they are dealt with appropriately.

Personal Assistance

The daily tasks most people take for granted can become difficult for individuals as they grow older. It may be necessary to arrange for help with personal care, like bathing, dressing, or grooming. Some people may need this kind of support daily.

Medical Care

One major expense to consider is the cost of healthcare. While these bills can be overwhelming at any age, the increasing need for treatment as a person ages can quickly overwhelm a budget. Government benefits may be available for these costs, but they are also likely means-tested. Long-term care planning in Upper Marlboro and Largo may include structuring assets so a person is still eligible for benefits without losing their property.


Financial issues tie all these factors together, because a person must have a plan to pay for their care. While some people can finance their future needs using the wealth they accumulated in life, others will need to ensure they are eligible for government benefits. Finally, some people purchase long-term care insurance with benefits that can pay for most of these expenses.

Contact an Attorney in Upper Marlboro Regarding Long-Term Care Planning

It can be challenging to think about the future, especially when considering difficult decisions about your quality of life. By planning now, you increase your chances of living out your days as you would like. Call the Law Offices of Carmiece Graves to discuss long-term care planning in Upper Marlboro.